The OnRamp home screen

The OnRamp home screen is made up of four sections:

  • the apps bar

  • the menu and search bar

  • the toolbar

  • and the workspace

The apps bar

The apps bar consists of six apps:

The menu icon launches the OnRamp menu. By default, the menu is pinned to always be open.

The dashboards icon launches the Dashboards page in the workspace.

The user options icon launches the User Options and Preferences screen in the workspace.

The data loader icon launches the Data Loader screen in the workspace. This is used to load data into OnRamp.

The help icon launches the OnRamp help system, which includes tutorials, a forum, our blog, and a location to submit a support ticket.

And finally, the Logout icon safely exits you from OnRamp.

The OnRamp menu

The menu divided up in to three parts:

  • the user tabs

  • the search bar

  • and the explorer window

The user tabs

The tabs are:

The search bar

The search bar is used to find screens and reports within the menu. The search bar is an active smart search, so as you type, the explorer window will display items with a title that match what you typed. Once you find the report or screen you are looking for you can launch it by double clicking on it.

To see under which folder and sub folder the item is located in the menu, right click on the item and click Find In Menu.

The Menu

The menu works very similarly to most other file explorer systems:

The toolbar

The toolbar is at the top of the OnRamp screen.

The toolbar buttons perform the following functions:

The server tabs display what server you are currently connected to and can be used to launch or switch to another server on a different tab. Right clicking on a server allows you to close that server connection or to open the server in your default browser.

The calculator button launches your Windows Calculator.

The refresh button refreshes your currently selected screen or report.

The zoom button opens the zoom controls, allowing you to zoom in or out of the current screen.

The downloads button launches the OnRamp download location in Windows Explorer.

The server button opens a new OnRamp server sign in window, allowing you to sign into another server.

The expand button expands OnRamp to cover all your windows screens.

The windows controls minimize, maximize, or close OnRamp.

The Workspace

The workspace is where you action all your screens and reports and it consists of two areas:

  • The task bar at the top of the workspace lists the title of all your open screens and reports. By default, the task bar is pinned to always be open. In the task bar, you can click on a title to go to that screen or report, or you can close that item by moving your mouse cursor over the title and clicking .

  • The workspace area displays all your open screens and reports. This is where you can enter, update, or delete data.