Screen controls

The following items add functionality and usability in OnRamp screens.

F1 Key - About This Field

Within any screen, you can press F1 with the cursor active in any field or drop-down menu and OnRamp will display the field information on the About This Field pop-up screen. On About This Field are 4 tabs: About, More, System, and Documentation.

Click the image to enlarge

Example About This Field screen that displays after pressing F1 on the Part Number field

F2 Key - Translation

Also on any screen, you can press F2 with the cursor active in any text field and OnRamp will open the Translation [S1076] screen., which translates the contents of that field.

Click the image to enlarge

Example Translation screen that displays after pressing F2 on a field

Drop-down menu

Drop-down menus in OnRamp are sortable, filterable, tables that are used to select previously entered records and support the following functionality:

  • Click the drop-down menu icon to open the record list.

  • On certain menus, click the Add New icon () to create a new record.
  • The drop-down menu can be one or two columns.

  • The fields have an active smart search. As you type, the record list will display items that match what you typed. Once you find the record you are looking for, you can select it by clicking on it.

  • Smart fields related to scan-able items, such as work orders, or packing slips, can be auto completed by selecting the field and using a scanner paired with the workstation to scan the respective bar code.

  • In menus with multiple columns, both columns can be searched and sorted.

  • To sort a different column, select it.

  • Click the column header to change the record list sort order.

  • Right-click on the column header to filter that column or to export to Excel.

Example drop down menu on the Part Master screen

Date picker

Use the date picker to select a date for date-only fields. The date picker supports the following functionality:

  • Click the date picker icon to open the calendar table.

  • If the field has a date set, clicking the date picker will open the calendar to the set month/ year with the day highlighted.

  • If the field has a blank date, clicking the date picker will open the calendar to the current month/ year with the current day (today) highlighted.

  • Click on a day to select that date.

  • Click the:

    • Back arrow to go back one month

    • Forward arrow to go forward one month

    • Home to go to the current month in the current year

    • Drop-down menus to select a month or year for a list


In OnRamp, some screens contain underlined fields. These are screen shortcuts. Double clicking within the field opens a relevant screen where you can update records related to the field.

You can also use the Shortcuts menu. These are admin and user generated shortcuts to other screens, which are added on Site Control Defaults [S2825].

Logic fields

Logic fields are fields that can only contain two values: Yes or No, True or False, etc. While in Edit or Add mode, clicking these fields will toggle the value between the two possible selections.


A grid is a table within a frame made up of rows and columns and a sortable header row:

  • Click the column header to change the record list sort order.

  • Each row is a separate record.

  • Right-click on the column header to filter that column or to export to Excel.

  • Tabs and fields listed below the grid are associated to the currently selected grid record.

  • On the screen task bar, click Delete and press Ctrl on your key board to select multiple records for deletion. You will get a notification if the record cannot be processed.

  • Use the search button to filter the grid records.

  • If the grid has a filter applied, the search button will change color

  • Grids that can be filtered will have a different blue header color

Note: Some grids are filtered to only show active records. To remove the default filter, right-click on the column header and select <ALL>.

Tool tips

Tool tips are pop-up text boxes that appear if you hover over some executable buttons to explain what clicking the button will do.

Tree view

A tree view structure organizes the data on a screen into folders and sub-folder to display parent-child relationships. For example, the OnRamp Menu is organized in a tree view structure.

You can expand and collapse items by clicking the and respectively.

File picker

In some fields, you will find the file picker icon , which opens the file picker screen where you can add, replace, rename, move, or delete a file attached to a record. For more information on how to use the file picker, see Manage Files Associated to an Item.