Attach Open Receivers to Vouchers

Use the Select Open Receivers [S1541] screen to attach any open receivers to a vouched invoice.

Note: This screen is often navigated to, or launched, via the Show Open Receivers button available on the Vouch Vendor Invoice [S1542] screen.

Click the image to enlarge

To attach an open receiver to a vendor invoice voucher:

  1. Navigate to the Select Open Receivers [S1541] screen.

  2. Select the desired Invoice and Vendor.

  3. (Optional) Use the Date From, Packing Slip, and Purchase Order to further filter the list of receivers.

  4. In the Select column, toggle the value to X.

  5. Click Add to Voucher.


You have attached the open receiver to the voucher.


  • Use the Select All button to select all the receivers currently listed.

  • If the quality or the value of the receiver is incorrectly listed on the Select Open Receivers screen, this can be edited on Vouch Vendor Invoice [S1542].