Concept Information
Approve Employee Hours by Date
Use the Employee Summary by Period and Date [S2496] screen to edit and approve employee hours by date.
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To approve employee hours by date:
Note: Use this screen to edit and approve the shifts for all employees on a single day.
Navigate to the Employee Summary by Period and Date [S2496] screen.
To filter the list of dates, select the desired filter options.
Select the desired Date.
On the Hours Summary by Employee, select the desired employee.
Click Approve.
To update employee shifts:
To update employee punches:
On the Punch Matching frame, select the desired tab and line.
On the screen task bar, click Edit.
Edit the desired information.
Click Save.
You have approved the employees shift.
On the first column of the Hours Summary by Employee frame, the color of the cell indicates the status of the shift:
A blue cell indicates that a manual modification was made to that shift segment.
A red cell indicates that the employee punched in/out on a that day does not match the scheduled shift in the system. For red cells, click View Raw Punches to determine why the punches do not match the shift.
Click Approve All to approve all employee shifts, and any shift changes, for that day.
To update the shift segments, select the shift segment line and click Edit.
Approved shifts cannot be updated but can be unapproved.
Shifts with a Is Static value of Yes do not require a punch in/out.
The Late/Early field indicates whether the employee punched in / out LATE or EARLY. A value of LATE is negative when punching in but positive when punching out.
The Undo Changes button reverts any updates to the employee's original schedule.