Concept Information
Reference Materials
Manage Inventory Adjustments
For part inventory quantities that are in error, adjust the location, or quantities with the screens on Production > Inventory > Inventory Applications.
For correct inventory quantities with an incorrect location:
Navigate to the Inventory Move [S1155] screen.
Select the desired part.
Select the desired lot number.
Enter the desired information: Quantity to move, To Location, Comments.
Click Move Inventory.
You have updated the inventory location information in OnRamp. This creates two inventory transactions: A MoveFrom transaction to remove the inventory from the incorrect location and a MoveTo transaction to add the inventory to the correct location.
You have updated the inventory quantity on the selected lot in OnRamp. This creates one inventory transaction: An InvAdj transaction to update the inventory quantity to the lot.
Select the desired part.
Enter the desired information.
Click Finalize.
You have added inventory to the select location in OnRamp. This creates one inventory transaction: An UnpRec transaction to increase the inventory quantity with a new lot number assigned.