Manage Vendor Release Patterns
Use the Vendor Release Patterns [S2215] screen to add, edit, copy, or delete vendor release patterns.
Click the image to enlarge
To add vendor release patterns:
You have created a vendor release pattern.
To action a previously created item, select the item and click the desired mode: Edit, Copy, or Delete.
If changes are not displaying, click Recalculate Detail to refresh the Vendor Release Pattern Master grid.
The Days, Weeks, and Months fields indicate the daily, weekly, and monthly requirements that will be displayed in the Vendor Release Pattern Master grid below.
The past due, or PD, bucket, is included on the grid to describe how the records will appear if the vendor deliveries are 1 day, 2 day, or over 2 day past due.
On the Vendor Master > EDI/Vendor Schedules tab, you can apply the vendor release pattern on the Schedule Pattern field.