Manage Vendor Release Patterns

Use the Vendor Release Patterns [S2215] screen to add, edit, copy, or delete vendor release patterns.

Click the image to enlarge

To add vendor release patterns:

  1. Navigate to the Vendor Release Patterns [S2215] screen.

  2. On the screen task bar, click Add.

  3. Enter the desired information.

  4. Click Save.


You have created a vendor release pattern.


  • To action a previously created item, select the item and click the desired mode: Edit, Copy, or Delete.

  • If changes are not displaying, click Recalculate Detail to refresh the Vendor Release Pattern Master grid.

  • The Days, Weeks, and Months fields indicate the daily, weekly, and monthly requirements that will be displayed in the Vendor Release Pattern Master grid below.

  • The past due, or PD, bucket, is included on the grid to describe how the records will appear if the vendor deliveries are 1 day, 2 day, or over 2 day past due.

  • On the Vendor Master > EDI/Vendor Schedules tab, you can apply the vendor release pattern on the Schedule Pattern field.