Nest Scheduling Tips

  • With the nested work orders displayed, review the group numbers, the nest numbers, and number of plates in the nest. Hovering over the nest number displays the plate thickness for the work order. Clicking the nest or group number displays the nest and work order details on the respective tab.

  • Groups are color coded by the minimum due date relative to today’s date, as defined on screen 2595:

    • Red – very past due

    • Yellow – past due

    • Green – on time

    • Blue - early

  • Lines at the bottom for each group show the relation between the minimum due date and the scheduled completion date. For example, in the image below, group 29512 if left alone will be completed on time.

  • Lines at the top of each group show that there is an issue with components on the work order:

    • Yellow – There is enough material to start but not complete the order.

    • Red – You do not have enough material to start the order.

  • Select the group to show the shortages on the Nest Details tab.

  • Take due dates into account when scheduling along with material shortages.

  • Where possible, keep track of part leads times to ensure you do not run into more material issues.

  • Where possible, group the same plates together to reduce handling times.

  • When one person is responsible for multiple machines, coordinate times so that loading and unloading does not generate a labor scheduling conflict.

  • Unscheduled nests appear at the end of the schedule and have XXXX going through the bottom row

  • If there is a drop-in nest, the schedule will have to be reorganized.

  • Review the nest schedule daily.

  • If the schedule is changed, redistribute the schedule, as required.