Set Screen and Report Defaults

Use the Site Control Defaults [S2825] screen to apply default controls to screens and reports in OnRamp, including adding screen shortcuts. These controls can be applied site wide, for certain security groups, or for specific users. You can also edit or delete applied defaults.

Default controls are the default values set on the screen or report: 

  • For a report, a default control is the default criteria or filter when launching the report in OnRamp.

  • For a screen, a default control is the default value that appears when adding a new entry on that screen, if it can be set.


There are no requirements for adding default controls.

Click the image to enlarge

To add control defaults:

  1. Navigate to the Site Control Defaults [S2825] screen.

  2. Select the desired Screen/Report.

  3. Select the Scope

    • Site Wide sets the control for the whole site.

    • Security Group sets the control for all users with the selected security group.

    • User sets the control for the selected user.

  4. On the screen task bar, click Add.

  5. Enter the desired information.

  6. Click OK


You have added a default control to the selected screen/ report.


  • To add screens to the Shortcut menu, select the Form control.

  • To add multiple screens, separate each screen number by a comma. For example: S1094, S1148

  • Report controls that start with C are criteria, controls that start with FL are filters.

  • Use DB Format to have the control require the select format: 1 - Save as is, 2 - Converts all letters to upper case, 3 - Converts all letters to lower case.

  • To action a previously created item, select the item and click the desired mode: Edit, Copy, or Delete.