Microsoft Office Email Authentication
Beginning in January 2023, Microsoft has begun requiring that all email accounts use OAUTH2 Authentication instead of basic authentication.To use email through OnRamp, your IT team will need to complete this one time setup.
To setup OAuth2 authentication:
Sign in to the Azure / EWS / Outlook account.
Set up and authorize keys to be used. For instructions on setting up the EWS authentication, see the Microsoft webhelp.
Once the keys have been setup, in OnRamp, navigate to the Business Info [S1824] screen.
Use the filters or search options to find the desired factor and select it.
On the screen task bar, click Edit.
Setup the following factors:
In the EMAIL_EWS_APPID factor, enter the data that is listed in the EWS_Application_(client)_ID field
In the EMAIL_EWS_TENANTID factor, enter the data that is listed in the EWS_Directory_(tenant)_ID field
In the EMAIL_EWS_SECRETID factor, enter the data that is listed in the EWS_Secret_ID field
In the EMAIL_EWS_SENDER_EMAIL factor, enter the sender account. For example:
In the EMAIL_AUTH_METHOD facotr, enter OAUTH2_EWS
OnRamp is now setup to use OAuth2 Authentication with your EWS / Office365 email account.