Vendor Tasks
Review Outstanding Firm Orders
Related Tasks
Manage Files Associated to an Item
Reference Materials
OnRamp Vendor Portal
The OnRamp Vendor Portal was designed and developed to make it easier for you to manage your interactions with customers that use OnRamp. The OnRamp Vendor Portal allows you to manage the information your customer has on file for your company, such as:
Your company and employee information
Your company capabilities and certificates
Your delivery schedule, calendar, and packing slips
Your supplied parts
There are also dashboards to help you monitor key information at a glance.
For more information on how to use and navigate OnRamp, review the following help topics located under Getting Started in OnRamp:
Vendor Portal Screens
In the Vendor Portal, you have the following screens available, each with its own functionality:
Update Contact Information - allows you to edit your company address, phone, website and contact information.
Update Capabilities - allows you to assign yourself capabilities, such as what materials, equipment, or processes you provide.
Upload Certificates - allows you to manage your company certifications.
Review Order Release History - allows you to review the list of orders released to the customer and add comments or a response file to the released order.
Review Calendar - allows you to view upcoming or past orders by day and add an estimated due date.
Reply to Purchase Orders - allows you to view customer orders in list form and reply to them with an estimated delivery date and comment.
Add Packing Slips - allows you to assign a packing slip to certain parts for a customer purchase order.
Update Supplied Parts - allows you to review parts supplied and to suggest a change to the current price.
Reply to MDR - allows you to view and reply to material deficiency reports
Material Deficiency Reports, or MDR, are reports filled out to describe item issues that are returned to you, or by you to a vendor. sent by your customer.
Vendor Portal Reports
Review Current Pricing - allows you to review, export, print, and email your price list, including minimum quantities, base price, and ordered amount for your parts to the customer.
Review Outstanding Firm Orders - allows you to review, export, print, and email the outstanding firm orders sent to you.
Review Delivery Performance - allows you to review, export, print, and email a record of your delivery performance, detailing how many of the parts orders were delivered early, late, or on time to your customer.
Review Open MDRs - allows you to review, export, print, and email a list of MDRs that have been created for material supplied to your customer and require corrective action.
Altogether, these screens and reports, plus the Vendor Dashboard, will allow you to take a more pro-active approach in managing your relationship with your customer.
Related Topics
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For assistance with invalid or incorrect data that you are unable to correct, contact your customer.
For assistance with issues within the application, contact us at